331 N Main St, Los Angeles

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Address: 331 N Main St, Los Angeles CA
Is a post-1890 address.

Longitude, Latitude: -118.241102, 34.054885

Coords: Locked

How geocoded: 1894 Baist

Extant: Gone

Current description:


Restaurant section has 'John Novakovich, 331 N Main St'  so it's a restaurant and not (just?) a bakery.

Who worked or lived here:

  1. 1901 Jun 1: Vincent (Vicko Juraj) Scarich (Skarich). (Vincent Scarich). Cook at 331 N Main St. Show Edit
  2. 1901 Jun 1: Mitchell / Michael Mastinich. (Michel Mastinich). Waiter at 331 N Main St. Show Edit
  3. 1902 Sep 1: John Novakovich. Co-proprietor at Boston Bakery 331 N Main St. Show Edit
  4. 1903 Sep 1: John Novakovich. Proprietor at Boston Bakery and Restaurant 331 N Main St. Show Edit
  5. 1904 Jun 1: John Novakovich. (John Novakovich). Proprietor at Boston Bakery and Restaurant 331 N Main St. Show Edit

Location ID: 195 updated almost 4 years ago and created over 5 years ago.

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Supporting Document(s): (ID: 331)

Henry Mandich, waiter, r. St Charles Hotel 314 N main
Nicholas Mantich, waiter P. Zappa, r. Vickrey Block, 503½ N Main [Pietro Zappa, proprietor United States Restaurant 160 N Main, r 467 Labory Lane p1493]

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Caption: John Novakovich, 331 N Main St; John Novakovich (M Mastinich & Co) propr Boston Bakery, 321 N Main St