2309 E 1st St, Los Angeles

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Address: 2309 E 1st St, Los Angeles CA
Is a post-1890 address.

Longitude, Latitude: -118.210541, 34.044185

Coords: Locked

How geocoded: 1921 Baist

Extant: Gone

Current description: Parking lot for bank at 2301 E 1st St. Next to lot is a bldg at 2311


James Marietich, fireman lived at this address in 1917 and 1934—Not resto.
James is the son of Jack and Rosa

Who worked or lived here:

  1. 1907 Jan 21: Jack (aka Jacob/Giacomo) Marietich. (Jacob Marietich). Resident at 2309 E 1st St. Show Edit
  2. 1908 May 5: Jack (aka Jacob/Giacomo) Marietich. (James Marietich). Resident at 2309 E 1st St. Show Edit

Location ID: 219 updated almost 4 years ago and created about 5 years ago.

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Supporting Document(s): (ID: 102)

Library of Congress. Jan. 21, 1907
KRISTOVICH & MASTROVICH (Thomas M Kristovich, J M Mastrovich), props Golden State Lunch Room 505 Central Av
Frank Lise, waiter Skarich Bros, res 757 New High

Peter Ljubetich, waiter, res 120 Winston
Anton Lobizich, res 1512 Kearney av.
Nicholas Lovretvich (Lovretovich & Martich), res 460 Jackson
Lovretovich & Martich (Nicholas Lovretovich, Vincent Martich) res 341½ E 1st.
Pire Mandich, waiter Tony Milovich, res 933 Court.
John P Marcovich, cook, res 243½ S Sprin.
Peter Marcovich, cook, Tony Milovich, res 2440 Houston.
Andrew Marietich, restaurant, res 520½ E 9th.
Jacob Marietich, res 2309 E 1st.
James Marietich res 2126 E 1st.
PETER MARINCOVICH, restaurant 322 N Main, res 1104 San Julian.
Tom Marincovich, cook Peter Marincovich, res 1104 San Julian.
Anton Marlevich, cook P L Marincovich, res 328 N Main
Blas Mastinich, contractor, res 225 N Bunker Hill av
Blas Mastinich jr, waiter, res 225 N Bunker Hill av
Michell Mastinich (M Mastinich & Co), res 921 Date.
Paul Mastinich, miner, res 225 N Bunker Hill av
M Mastinich & Co (Michell Mastinich, John Novakovich, George Cuculitza), restaurant 316 N Main.
JOSEPH M MASTROVICH (Kristovich & Mastrovich) sec Slavonian-American Benevolent Society), res 638 Crocker
Augustin Matolich, waiter, res 1129 Crocker.
Jerry Matolich, waiter, res 1129 Crocker.
John Micovich, waiter P L Marincovich, res 322 N Main.

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Caption: Andrew Marietich, restaurant, res 520½ E 9th; Jacob Marietich, res 2309 E 1st; James Marietich, res 2126 E 1st