515 S Main St, Los Angeles

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Address: 515 S Main St, Los Angeles CA
Is a post-1890 address.

Longitude, Latitude: -118.249012, 34.046372

Coords: Locked

How geocoded: Baist

Extant: Gone

Current description: Newer building


Kalthser Bldg 1921 Baist
Milovich & Kressich 515 S Main

Who worked or lived here:

  1. 1911 Sep 1: Matthew P Kressich. Co-proprietor at 515 S Main St. Show Edit
  2. 1911 Sep 1: Anthony Milovich. Co-proprietor at 515 S Main St. Show Edit
  3. 1913 Jan 1: Matthew P Kressich. (Matthew P Kressich). Proprietor at 515 S Main St. Show Edit

Location ID: 396 updated over 4 years ago and created over 4 years ago.

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Supporting Document(s): (ID: 400)

A M Kristovich 109 W 5th
Kristovich & Bushlie 504 E 3rd
Mike Likich 652 N B'way
John Marcovich 428 E 5th
Peter Markovich 1147 E 1st
J M Mastrorich 428 W 6th
Milovich & Kressich 515 S Main
Frank Musich 654 N B'way
Palietak & Grcich 413 W 5th
Tony Panzich 903 E 1st
L P Pavlovich 835 E 5th
N G Popovich 307 Ord
John Restovich 322 N Main
Martin Rocovich 1271 E 6th
Skarich Bros 114 N Main entered via Vincent and  Nicholas Tadia in residential section doc:391, p1407
Alex Subotich 112 E 5th
Tomicich & Zanich 232 S Main

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