Forster Block (28 S Main), Los Angeles

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Address: Forster Block (28 S Main), Los Angeles CA
Is a pre-1890 address and the numbering differs.

Longitude, Latitude: -118.243654, 34.051592

Coords: Locked

How geocoded: 1894 Sanborn to 128 S Main. 122-128 S Main St is a single building on Sanborn.

Extant: Gone

Current description:


Nicholas Leisich (Bielopero, Vurch & Leisich) res Foster Block [1887]
Charles W. Swasey, clk with Hellman, Hass & Co, res room 21 Foster Block 28 S Main
Using this for Foster Block until find out different building. In 1887 Blocks p939 "Forster Block, 28 S Main"
However has a photo of Forster Block and gives address as "22–28 S. Main St. (pre-1890 numbering), was build in early 1880s"

Who worked or lived here:

  1. 1887 Jan 1: Nicholas Leisich. Resident at Forster Block (28 S Main). Show Edit
  2. 1887 Jan 1: N Vuich. (Net Ouich). Resident at Forster Block (28 S Main). Show Edit
  3. 1887 Jan 1: John N Bielopero. (John Billopera). Resident at Forster Block (28 S Main). Show Edit
  4. 1887 Jan 2: Nicholas Lessevich. (Nich Lessevich). Resident at Forster Block (28 S Main). Show Edit
  5. 1887 Apr 1: John N Bielopero. (J. B. Bropro). Resident at Family Dining Rooms Forster Block (28 S Main). Show Edit
  6. 1887 Jul 1: John N Bielopero. (John Bielopero). Resident at Forster Block (28 S Main). Show Edit
  7. 1887 Jul 1: N Vuich. (Nat Vurch). Resident at Forster Block (28 S Main). Show Edit

Location ID: 438 updated almost 4 years ago and created about 4 years ago.

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Supporting Document(s): (ID: 590)

Charles W. Swasey, clk with Hellman, Hass & Co, res room 21 Foster Block 28 S Main
Shows address for Foster Block (Forster also?)

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