413 Amelia St, Los Angeles

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Address: 413 Amelia St, Los Angeles CA
Is a post-1890 address.

Longitude, Latitude: -118.2344, 34.0516

Coords: Locked

How geocoded: QGIS against 1894 Sanborn Sheet 17b. This address doesn't exist on 1921 Baist. 409 and 438 are next door to each other. The house outlines match for the 1894 Sanborn and 1921 Baist. 413 on the 1894 Sanborn is 443 on the 1921 Baist. 1921 City Directory has 3 Avianis living at 413

Extant: Gone

Current description:

Who worked or lived here:

  1. 1903 Sep 1: Antonio Aviani. Resident at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  2. 1903 Sep 1: Thomas Marinovich. Resident at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  3. 1904 Jun 1: Tom Marincovich. (Thomas Marincovich). Resident at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  4. 1904 Jun 1: Antonio Aviani. (Antone Aviani). Resident at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  5. 1906 Jan 1: Antonio Aviani. Resident at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  6. 1906 Oct 1: Pietro Millovich. Resident at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  7. 1910 Jan 1: Antonio Aviani. (Antonio Aviani). Householder at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  8. 1910 Jan 1: Ernest N (J?) Aviani. (Ernest Aviani). Resident at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  9. 1910 Jan 1: Nicholas Aviani. (Nichola Aviani). Resident at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  10. 1910 Jan 1: Nicholas Aviani. (Nichola Aviani). Dishwasher at Creamery Cafe 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  11. 1911 Jan 1: Antonio Aviani. ( Antonio Aviani). Householder at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  12. 1912 Jan 1: Antonio Aviani. (Tony Aviani). Householder at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  13. 1913 Jan 1: Antonio Aviani. (Tony Avianni ). Householder at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  14. 1913 Jan 1: Thomas Marinovich. (Thos Marinovich). Resident at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  15. 1916 Sep 1: Antonio Aviani. Householder at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  16. 1916 Sep 1: Ernest N (J?) Aviani. Resident at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  17. 1916 Sep 1: Nicholas Aviani. Householder at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  18. 1916 Sep 1: Nicholas Aviani. Householder at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit
  19. 1919 Sep 1: Ernest N (J?) Aviani. Resident at 413 Amelia St. Show Edit

Location ID: 85 updated over 2 years ago and created over 9 years ago.

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Supporting Document(s): (ID: 177)

Antone Aviani cook h 413 Amelia
Ernest Aviani (Aviani & Salatich) r 413 Amelia
Nicholas Aviani cook h 413 Amelia
Aviani & Salatich (Ernest Aviani, Louis Salatich) rest 2019 E 7th

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