Source: 1917 Los Angeles City Directory

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Effective date: 1917-01-01

Publication Title: 1917 Los Angeles City Directory

Publisher: Los Angeles City Directory Co. (Inc.)

Caption: lower left "Los Angeles Directory Company"

Notes: No cover page, but implied Los Angeles City Directory

50 documents linked to this source (directory)

  1. Cover page missing from MyHeritage
    (p. 9) Show Edit
  2. Abbreviations and first page of listings
    (p. 226-7) Show Edit
  3. Geo Androvich cook r 134½ Spring
    (p. 270) Show Edit
  4. Florien Antonovich waiter 228 N Hope
    John Antonovich dishwasher r 2019 E 7th
    (p. 273) Show Edit
  5. Geo M Arnrich waiter h 400 W 54th
    Geo P (Good Fellows Grotto) h 1846 Cherokee av
    Geo V waiter h 223 W 51st
    Jas waiter r  223 W 51st
    Tony waiter h 129 W 61st
    (p. 280) Show Edit
  6. Antone Aviani cook h 413 Amelia
    Ernest Aviani (Aviani & Salatich) r 413 Amelia
    Nicholas Aviani cook h 413 Amelia
    Aviani & Salatich (Ernest Aviani, Louis Salatich) rest 2019 E 7th
    (p. 291) Show Edit
  7. Prospero Baricich (Beleck & Baricich) r 323 N Chicago
    (p. 314) Show Edit
  8. Stephen Bautovich rest 304 S Main
    (p. 332) Show Edit
  9. Adam Borich rest 410 Ord
    (p. 399) Show Edit
  10. Stephen Bragovich waiter r 522 Gladys
    Peter Brajevich cook h 536 Towne av
    (p. 415) Show Edit
  11. Mike Budinich rest 652 N Bway, r 646 same
    (p. 457) Show Edit
  12. Matteo C Dujmovich (Good Fellows Grotto) r 4351 S Grand av
    Vincent B Dujmovich mgr Good Fellows Grotto r 4351 S Grand av
    (p. 704) Show Edit
  13. Jos Dzaich rest 504 W 6th
    (p. 715) Show Edit
  14. John Pilipich r 2611 Pennsylvania Ave
    Nellie Pilipich r 2611 Pennsylvania Ave
    Peter Pilipich h 2611 Pennsylvania Ave
    no resto connection in this year
    (p. 779) Show Edit
  15. Louis Giuras (Giuras & Matulich) h 156 W 38th
    Giuras & Matulich ( Louis Giuras & Jerry Matulich) rest 527 S Spring
    John Givanovich cook r 824 N Andrews blvd
    (p. 869) Show Edit
  16. Stephen B Grcich rest h 3927a Sunset blvd
    Unusual listing in that home address is given and 'rest' is there with no resto address here or in resto section
    (p. 902) Show Edit
  17. B N Jangradovich rest 234 N Main h 228 N Hope
    (p. 1102) Show Edit
  18. Mitchl Jorich cook r 323½ W 5th 
    (p. 1135) Show Edit
  19. John Jurisich waiter h 241 W 54th
    John Jutronich waiter r 427 N Bunker Hill
    Lawrence Jutronich rest 104a W 3rd r 427 N Bunker Hill
    Nickolas Jutronich waiter r 631 Gladys av
    (p. 1138) Show Edit
  20. Jerry Kovacich cook h 655 S Clarence
    Soav Kovocevick waiter h 981 Everett [Kovacevich ?]
    (p. 1198) Show Edit
  21. Matthew P Kressich, Prop Del Monte Cafe 423 S Spring, Tels Home A6447, Main 4987, h 1230 W 11th
    Martin Kristovich (Kristovich & Buslje) r 302 Crocker
    Kristovich & Buslje (Martin Kristovich, Thos Buslje) rest 504 E 3d

    (p. 1202-3) Show Edit
  22. Nicholas Lovretovich (Lovretovich & Gercich) h 460 Jackson
    Lovretovich & Gercich (Nicholas Lovretovich & Geo Gercich) rest 138 S Spring
    (p. 1294) Show Edit
  23. Vincent Martich cook h 2535 Pennsylvania
    (p. 1381) Show Edit
  24. Tho Martinovich cook r 512 Crocker
    (p. 1388) Show Edit
  25. Anton Mastanich waiter r 161 W 47th pl
    Blaz Mastanich (Treosti & Mastinich) h 161 W 47th pl
    Mary Mastanich wid Michl h rear 660 N Grand av
    (p. 1391) Show Edit
  26. Geo W Mastrovich clk r 527 W 42d
    Jos M Mastrovich rest h 527 W 42d
    (p. 1392) Show Edit
  27. Jerry Matulich (Giuras & Matulich) h 403 W 52d pl [could be 103]
    (p. 1397) Show Edit
  28. Nicholas Metkovich waiter Del Monte Cafe
    (p. 1417) Show Edit
  29. Michl Milovich cook h 625 N Bunker Hill av
    Nicholas Milovich cook r 625 N Bunker Hill av
    Rosa Milovich wid Michl r 625 N Bunker Hill av [2 Michls]
    Saml Milovich waiter r 625 N Bunker Hill av
    Frank Milutinovich rest 1207 E 6th h 971 E 41st
    (p. 1439) Show Edit
  30. John Novakovich cook h 1609 Michigan av
    (p. 1528) Show Edit
  31. Geo Ostoich waiter r 505 N Bunker Hill av
    John Ostoich lab r 505 N Bunker Hill av
    Peter A Ostoich (Ostoich & Ostoich) r 505 N Bunker Hill av
    Tony Ostoich (Ostoich & Ostoich) r 505 N Bunker Hill av
    Ostoich & Ostoich (P A & Tony) rest 527 S Central av
    (p. 1553) Show Edit
  32. Antonio Panzich rest 903 E 1st h 940 Summit Av
    John Panzich boxmkr r 940 Summit Av
    (p. 1570) Show Edit
  33. (p. 1585) Show Edit
  34. (p. 1586) Show Edit
  35. Vincent Petrich rest r 410½  S Hill
    Geo Petricich waiter h 3506 E 2d
    Geo Petrivich (Angeles Restaurant) r 3506 E 2d
    [2 Geo at same address. cousins?]
    (p. 1606) Show Edit
  36. Jack L Pierovich (Pierovich & Pierovich) r 237 S Hope
    John B Pierovich (Pierovich & Pierovich) r 515½ W 3d
    Pierovich & Pierovich (J B Pierovich & J L Pierovich) rest 322 W 3d
    (p. 1618) Show Edit
  37. Constantin Radulovich waiter h 940½ Everett
    Michl Radulovich waiter h 507 S Olive
    (p. 1660) Show Edit
  38. Louis Salatich (Aviani & Salatich) h 2221 Inez
    (p. 1759) Show Edit
  39. John Scarich waiter h 305 E 47th pl
    Tony Scarich waiter h 947 S Fresno
    Vincent Scarich rest r 305 E 47th St [Vincent I ?, brother of John?, Vincent Skarich is in this directory]
    (p. 1775) Show Edit
  40.  [Scarich for all since that is the more common spelling of their names]
    Andrew Skarich 1335 Pennsylvania av [son of Vincent]
    Inez R finisher  r 1335 Pennsylvania av [daughter of Vincent]
    Nicholas J teller Internatl Sav & Exch Bank h 1335 Pennsylvania av [head of house, son of Vincent, but why isn't Vincent living here?]
    Vincent T (Skarich & Vrsalovich h 308 E 16th [Tade? or father of Andrew?, but Vincent T has resto at the address below in 1928. Vincent father of Andrew died in 1922]
    See also which shows a Vincent T at 305 E 47th Place at this time
    Skarich & Vrsalovich (V T Skarich, Blas Vrsalovich) rest 114 N Main
    (p. 1849) Show Edit
  41. Alex M Subotich rest 112 E 5th r 544½ Wall
    (p. 1940) Show Edit
  42. Vincent Tomicich cook h 609 Loomis
    (p. 1995) Show Edit
  43. Not resto
    Manual A Treosti (Treosti & Mastanich) h 1817 Kearney
    Treosti & Mastanich ( M A Treosti, Blaz Mastanich) billiards 153½ N Main 
    (p. 2005) Show Edit
  44. Blas Vrsalovich (Skarich & Vrsalovich) h 429 W 52d pl
    Ely Vucovich (Angeles Restaurant) r 1121 W 88th
    Saml Vukanovich cook r 1593 W 36th
    Peter Vuklavich cook h 968 Irolo
    (p. 2053) Show Edit
  45. Antonio Yeseta (Daminis & Yeseta) h 921 Bartlett
    Michl Yeseta waiter h 1027 Bartlett
    (p. 2185) Show Edit
  46. Nicholas Zanich cook h 532 S Soto
    (p. 2192) Show Edit
  47. Angeles Restaurant 350 S Hill
    Aviani & Salatich 2019 E 7th
    Stephen Bautovich 304 S Main
    Bebeck & Bricich 118 S Spring
    (p. 2557) Show Edit
  48. Adam Borich 410 Ord
    Mike Budinich 652 N Bway
    Daminis & Yeseta 438 S Main
    Jos Dzaich 504 W 6th
    Giuras & Matulich 527 S Spring
    B N Jangradovich 234 N Main
    Lawrence Jutronich 104a W 3d
    Matthew P Kressich 423 S Spring
    Kristovich & Buslje 504 E 3d
    Lovretovich & Gercich 138 S Spring

    (p. 2558-9) Show Edit
  49. Frank Milutinovich 1207 E 6th
    Ostoich & Ostoich 527 S Central av
    Antonio Panzich 903 E 1st
    L P Pavlovich 428 E 5th
    Pierovich & Pierovich 322 W 3d
    Skarich & Vrsalovich 114 N Main
    A M Subotich 112 E 5th
    (p. 2560-1) Show Edit
  50. Ya–Zu
    (p. 2562) Show Edit

Updated about 4 years ago.

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Caption: lower left "Los Angeles Directory Company"