Source: 1918 Los Angeles City Directory

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Effective date: 1918-01-01

Publication Title: 1918 Los Angeles City Directory

Publisher: Los Angeles Directory Company

Where I got the document(s): LAPL

Caption: Los Angeles City Directory Co. publishers and sales agents

40 documents linked to this source (directory)

  1. Los Angeles City Directory 1918
    Compiled and Published by
    Los Angeles Directory Company
    (p. 4) Show Edit
  2. placed a flag after the names of those who have joined the colors (militrary?)
    (p. 7) Show Edit
  3. Saml Biocina (Restovich & Biocina) h223 W 60th
    Nos Samuel in other years and in 1920 John Restovich was with Spero Biocina FIXME. Not adding to the db for now. 
    Note also that Spiro was at this address this year (1918). How was the owner of a resto missed?
    (p. 14) Show Edit
  4. Arnerich
      Frank P
      Frank V
      Feo P waiter h400 W 54th
      Geo P (Good Fellows Grotto) 2093 Western av
      Geo V waiter h223 W 51st
      John J waiter h162 W 55th
    (p. 278) Show Edit
  5. Aviani
      Antonio cook h413 Amelia
      Dominic lab 
      Ernest (Aviani & Salatich) r413 Amelia
      Frank clk r413 Amelia
    Aviani & Salatich (Ernest Aviani & L B Salatich) 2019 E 17th
    (p. 288) Show Edit
  6. Steve Bautovich rest 304 S Main
    (p. 330) Show Edit
  7. Marco Biocina cook h333 W 60th
    Spiro Biocina cook h223 W 60th
    (p. 369) Show Edit
  8. Sam Brestich rest 414 Ord
    (p. 417) Show Edit
  9. Michl Budinich rest 652 N Bway
    (p. 450) Show Edit
  10. Louis Giuras (Giuras & Matulich) r419 S Grand av
    Giuras & Matulich (L Giuras & Jerry Matulich) rest 521 S Spring
    (p. 850) Show Edit
  11. Baldo Gurasich (Gurasich & Buslji) r302 Crocker
    Gurasich & Buslji (Baldo Gurasich & Tomo Buslji) rest 504 E 3d
    (p. 903) Show Edit
  12. Nicholas Hranuelli cook h323 N Chicago
    (p. 1039) Show Edit
  13. John Illich rest 616 S Spring r215 W 27th
    (p. 1059) Show Edit
  14. B N Jangradovich rest 234 N Main h228 N Hope
    (p. 1078) Show Edit
  15. Babe Kolinich waiter r447 Gladys av
    Leo Kolinich rest 835 E 5th h447 Gladys av
    Mitar R Komad cook Del Monte Cafe r Norwalk
    (p. 1169) Show Edit
  16. Matthew P Kressich Prop Del Monte Cafe 423 S Spring, Tels Home A6447, Main 4987, h1230 W 11th
    (p. 1175) Show Edit
  17. Kristovich
      Kath  r4508 S Figueroa
      Leo s
      Martin (Milutinovich & Restovich) h4508 S Figueroa
      Rena wid  Steve r531 E 33d
      Thos (Kristovich & Restovich) h4508 S Figeroa
      Kristovich & Restovich (T Kristovich & M Restovich) rest 631 S Main
    (p. 1176) Show Edit
  18. Ned Lovretovich r460 Jackson
    Nicholas Lovretovich rest 138 S Spring h460 Jackson
    (p. 1262) Show Edit
  19. John Marzevich (Corti & Marzevich) r305 E 2d
    (p. 1353) Show Edit
  20. Jerry Matulich (Giuras & Matulich) h103 W52d pl
    Tony Matulich r323 N Chicago
    Gus Maturich waiter  h125 W 61st
    (p. 1361) Show Edit
  21. Geo Milosevich r4129 Mercury av
    Andw Milovich mach
    Anthony Milovich (Rialto Cafe) h885 W Kensington rd
    Michl Milovich waiter r700 Grand av
    Perer Milovich lab
    Saml Milovich
    Frank Milutinovich (Milutinovich & Kristovich) h971E 41st
    Milutinovich & Kristovich (F Milutinovich & M Kristovich) rest 721 S Central av
    (p. 1401) Show Edit
  22. Antonio Panzich rest 905 E 1st h940 Summit av
    John Panzich butcher r940 Summit
    (p. 1528) Show Edit
  23. Mitchell Paskovich (Paskovich & Sassillo) h837b Gladys av
    Paskovich & Sassillo (Mitchell Paskovich & Blaz Sassillo) rest 1238 E 7th
    Blaz Sassillo listed at 837 Gladys av (didn't download)
    (p. 1537) Show Edit
  24. Pavlovich
      Annie wid Geo r940 Summit av
      Eva student r940 Summit
       Guro lab
      Louis P cook h1008 E 40th
      Nick lab
      Steve cementwkr
    (p. 1543) Show Edit
  25. Jack L Pierovich (v & Pierovich) r237 S  Hope
    John B Pierovich (v & Pierovich) r515½ W 3d 
    Pierovich & Pierovich (John B and Jack L) rest 322 W 3d
    (p. 1576) Show Edit
  26. Restovich
      Agatha r1001Everett
      John (Restovich & Biocina) h1001 Everett
      Jos clk r1001Everett
      Marietta r1001Everett
      Michl (Kristovich & Restovich) h744 Wall
      Peter waiter r1015 Bartlett
      Vincent  waiter h1015 Bartlett
    Restovich & Biocina (John Restovich & Saml Biocina) rest 214 N Spring 
    (p. 1643) Show Edit
  27. Louis B Salatich (Aviani & Salatich) h2221 Inez
    (p. 1713) Show Edit
  28. Andw G Scarich pkr r1335 Pennsylvania av
    John Scarich waiter h305 E 47th pl
    Tony Scarich h942 S Fresno
    Vincent Scarich rest r305 E 47th pl
    (p. 1728) Show Edit
  29. Andw Scarich pkr r1335 Pennsyslvania
    John Scarich waiter h305 E 47th pl
    Tony Scarich waiter h942 S Fresno
    Vincent Scarich rest r305 E 47th pl odd to have rest without the address of the resto
    (p. 1728) Show Edit
  30. Martin Siglie h632 Wall
    Martin J Siglie carp
    Winifred A Siglie r 632 Wall
    (p. 1792) Show Edit
  31. Andw G Skarich clk r3536 Eagle [also listed under Scarich at Pennsylvania. None of the Skarichs or Scarich are listed as householder for Pennsylvania]
    Annie A Skarich student r3536 Eagle
    Inez R  labeler r1335 Pennsylvania av
    Margt F student r1335 Pennsylvania av
    Nicholas J flag  r3536 Eagle
    Vincent T Skarich (Skarich & Vrsalovich)  h3536 Eagle
    Skarich & Vrsalovich ( V T Skarich & B Vrsalovich) rest 114 N Main
    (p. 1801) Show Edit
  32. Skarich
      Andw G clk r3536 Eagle also listed at Pennsylvania av under Scarich
    Anniie A student r3536 Eagle
      Inez R labeler r1335 Pennsylvania av
      Margt F student  r1335 Pennsylvania av
      Nicholas J r3536 Eagle
      Vincent T (Skarich & Vrsalovich) h3536 Eagle
    Skarich & Vrsalovich (V T Skarich & B Vrsalovich) rest 114 N Main
    Note Vincent Juraj is at neither address!!
    Surprising that some Vinko's children (Andw and Margaret) are listed as living here when Andw and Inez are still at the larger family home at 1335 Pennsylvania But Andw is listed at Pennsylvania under Scarich. The Scarich/Skarich listings seem quite problematic

    (p. 1801) Show Edit
  33. Alex M Subotich rest 112 E 5th h136 W Santa Barbara av
    (p. 1891) Show Edit
  34. Vincent Tomocich rest r4600 S Figeroa
    (p. 1944) Show Edit
  35. John Vrsalavic cook r234 N Flower
    Michl Vrsalavic cook h234 N Flower
    Blas Vrsalovich (Skarich & Vrsalovich) h427 W 52d pl
    Steven Vukovic rest 418 Ord h719Yale
    (p. 2000) Show Edit
  36. Antonio Yeseta (Dains & Yeseta) h1027 Bartlett
    Mate Yeseta coo h921 Bartlett
    (p. 2127) Show Edit
  37. John Zitkovich rest 237½ E 7th r975 W 32d 
    (p. 2129) Show Edit
  38. Steve Bautovich 304 S Main
    Sam Brestich 414 Ord
    Michl Budinich 652 N Bway

    (p. 2503) Show Edit
  39. Corti & Marzivich 116 S Main
    Jos Dzaich 504 W 6th
    Gurasich & Buslje 500 E 3d
    John Illich 616 S Spring
    B N Jangradovich 234 N Main
    Leo Kolinich 835 E 5th
    Matthew P Kressich 423 S Spring
    Martin Kristovich 721 S Central av
    Kristovich & Restovich 631 S Main
    Nicholas Lovietovich [sp] 138 S Spring
    Milutinovich & Kristovich 721 S Central av [see above, partial dupl]

    (p. 2504–5) Show Edit
  40. Tony Panzich 905 E 1st
    Paskovich & Sassillo 1238 E 7th
    Geo Petrovich 118 S Spring
    Pierovich & Pierovich 322 W 3d
    Thos Povich 417 Front, San Pedro
    Restovich & Biocina 214 N Spring
    Skarich & Vrsalovich 114 N Main
    A M Subotich 112 E 5th
    M P Veselich 935 E 1st
    Steven Vukovic 418 Ord
    John Zitkovich 237½ E 7th 
    (p. 2506–7) Show Edit

Updated almost 4 years ago.

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Caption: Los Angeles City Directory Co. publishers and sales agents