Source: Draft Registration

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Publication Title: Draft Registration

Publisher: US Govt


6 documents linked to this source (directory)

  1. Nick R Scarich
    115 ½ S Broadway, Los Angles
    Age: 36
    DoB March 16, 1882
    Waiter Jake Fieber, 235 S Spring
    Relative-Uncle: Vinton Scarich 1225 Pennsylvania 
    Bulld: Med, Height: Med
    (p. ) Show Edit
  2. Vincent Scarich
    649 ½ Folsom St, San Francisco
    Age: 23
    DoB March 25, 1894, Postira, Damatia, Austria
    Declared Intention
    Waiter, Southern Pacific Co
    Aged mother and invalid brothr.Single
    5' 11", 180 lb
    (p. ) Show Edit
  3. Tony Scarich
    947 Fresno
    Age: 37
    DoB Sept 12, 1881
    Austria, not citizen
    Wiater Rialto Cafe, 616 S Spring
    Relative Nettie Skarich, 947 Fresno
    Short, Stout
    (p. ) Show Edit
  4. Not resto related
    June 5, 1917
    Nicholas John Skarich
    1335 Pennsylvania Ave
    Age: 21
    DoB: Sept 3, 1895
    Bank Teller. Single
    Tall, medium build
    (p. ) Show Edit
  5. Peter Martin Pokurica
    609 Loomis, Los Angeles
    DoB August 18, 1886
    Naturalized Citizen
    Rogusa County, Dalmazia, Austra
    Cafe owneer, 413 N? 5th St
    Med height, med build, brown eyes, dark brown hair, not bald
    dated June 5, 1917
    (p. 311) Show Edit
  6. Sept 12 1918
    Nicklas Pashrale Hranuelli
    323 N Chicago, LA
    Age 41
    DoB May 17, 1877
    Cook, Concordia Cafe, 304 S Main St, LA
    Wife Pilomena
    Tall Stout
    (p. --) Show Edit

Updated almost 4 years ago.

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