Source: 1892 Los Angeles City Directory and Gazetteer

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Effective date: 1892-01-01

Publication Title: 1892 Los Angeles City Directory and Gazetteer

Publisher: Geo. W. Maxwell

Document on computer: 1892 Los Angeles City Directory. p5. Title Page.jpg

Caption: 1892 Los Angeles City Directory. Title Page

Notes: $4 227 W First St.

28 documents linked to this source (directory)

  1. Geo. W Maxwell, Publisher and Printer,
    227 W. First St.
    (p. 5) Show Edit
  2. r.—Resides
    (p. 101) Show Edit
  3. Jno Bielapero sic, (B & Lessevich) r 1818 Virginia av
    Bielopero & Lessivich, (Jno B and Nikolas L), props Mott Market Restaurant,129 S Main
    (p. 131) Show Edit
  4. M Bristovich, (M Siglie & Co) r 225 Boyd
    (p. 143) Show Edit
  5. A Finkich, cook, 129 S Main, r 224 Franklin
    (p. 224) Show Edit
  6. Gollmer House … 233½ E 1st squeezing a whole boarding house in to a half an address!
    (p. 248) Show Edit
  7. Jos Gyurkovics, cook 301 S Spring, r 917 Myrtle av
    (p. 260) Show Edit
  8. JERRY ILLICH, prop Illichs Restaurant 145 and 147 N Main, r 144 N Main
    John Illich, restaurant 214 N Main r Lanfranco blk
    (p. 294) Show Edit
  9. Jack's Restaurant, J Marieltvich sic prop 128 E 1st
    (p. 296) Show Edit
  10. Nikolas Lessevich, (Billopero & L), r 1818 Virginia av
    (p. 330) Show Edit
  11. A Lopizich, cook 316 N Main, r St Charles Hotel
    John Lopizich (Viole & L) r 321 Sand
    Nicholas Lopizich, waiter 316 N Main, r St Charles Hotel

    (p. 336) Show Edit
  12. Nicholas Margaretich, waiter 145 N Main, r Gollmer House
    Andrew Marietich, prop Old Queen Chop House 322 N Main, r 325 Jackson
    J Marietich, prop Jacks Restaurant 128 1st, r 325 Jackson
    Peter Marincobh sic restaurant, r 218 Vignes
    T Marinovitch ( S Carneo sic & M) r 119 E 1st
    (p. 351) Show Edit
  13. Martin's Restaurant, (Martin Siglie & Co props, 104 N Main
    (p. 354) Show Edit
  14. Anton MIlovich, r 128 E 1st
    (p. 375) Show Edit
  15. Queen Restaurant, Nicholas Mercadante prop, 316 N Main
    Nicholas Mercadante is Italian. Several findings on MyHeritage, 
    (p. 424) Show Edit
  16. George Restovich, gardener, r N Main opposite Plaza
    John Restovich, waiter, r 320 Jackson
    (p. 431) Show Edit
  17. F Scaneo, (S & Marinovitch), r 119 E 1st
    Scarneo & Marinovitch, (F S And T M), chop house, 119 E 1st
    John Scarrich, waiter  r 128 E 1st
    J Scarvich, waiter, r 551 S Grand av
    A better copy at /docs/742 
    (p. 452) Show Edit
  18. F Scaneo, (S & Marinovitch), r 119 E 1st
    Scarneo & Marinovitch, (F S And T M), chop house, 119 E 1st
    John Scarrich, waiter  r 128 E 1st
    J Scarvich, waiter, r 551 S Grand av
    This is a second copy since first, /docs/299, was marked up, but I had already links to it
    (p. 452) Show Edit
  19. J Scotto, cook 316 N Main, r Santa Monica
    (p. 457) Show Edit
  20. Marks Siglie, waiter r 915 Summit av
    Martin Siglie, (M S & Co) r 225 Boyd
    M Siglie and Co, ( M S and M Bristovich), restaurant, 104 N Main
    N Siglie, restaurant, r 915 Summit av
    (p. 465) Show Edit
  21. St Charles Hotel, … 235–237 N Grand av
    (p. 478) Show Edit
  22. John Viskovich prop Broadway Market, r 2051 Denver av
    (p. 515) Show Edit
  23. B Vusich, cook 165 N Spring, r 165 Vine
    (p. 516) Show Edit
  24. Broadway Market, 615 S Broadway
    Downey, 305 N Main
    Downey, (No 2) 136 S Broadway
    Gollmer, 233 E 1st
    Lanfranco, 218 N Main
    Lucasischchich, 103 San Pedro
    (p. 562) Show Edit
  25. Mott, 135 S Main
    (p. 564) Show Edit
  26. Bielopero & Lessevich, 129 S Main
    Boston Chop House, 121 E 1st
    Broadway Market Restaurant, Broadway Market
    Jerry Illich, 145–147 N Main
    John Illich, 214 N Main
    (p. 643) Show Edit
  27. Jack's Restaurant 128 E 1st
    Peter Marinchobh, 218 Vignes
    Martin's Restaurant, 104 N Main
    Old Queen Chop House, 322 N Main
    Queen Restaurant, 316 N Main
    Scarneo & Marinovitch, 119 E 1st
    M Siglie & Co 104 N Main
    (p. 644) Show Edit
  28. Marco M. Siglie, (M. M. Siglie, Luca Giuras), wines and liquors 221 W Foruth
    Martin Siglie, (Martin Siglie & Co.), r 632 Wall
    Martin Siglie & Co. (Martin Siglie, Martin Cristovich), proprietors Martin's Restaurant 146 S Main
    (p. 1251) Show Edit

Updated about 4 years ago.

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Caption: 1892 Los Angeles City Directory. Title Page