Source: 1912 Los Angeles City Directory

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Effective date: 1912-01-01

Publication Title: 1912 Los Angeles City Directory

Publisher: Los Angeles City Directory Co. (Inc.)

Document on computer: 1912 Los Angeles City Directory. p8~. Title.jpg

Where I got the document(s): MyHeritage

Caption: Los Angeles City Directory ©1912 Compiled and Published by Los Angeles City Directory Co. Inc. Price, $10

56 documents linked to this source (directory)

  1. Los Angeles City Directory 
    Compiled and Published by Los Angeles City Directory Co. Inc. 
    Price, $10
    (p. 8~) Show Edit
  2. Nicholas Andriasevich rest 217–219 N Spring h 213½  same
    (p. 157) Show Edit
  3. Florio Antonovich waiter h 228 N Hope
    (p. 159) Show Edit
  4. Chas Antunovich h 830 California
    Geo Antunovich porter r 830 California
    John Antunovich waiter h 830 California
    (p. 160) Show Edit
  5. Arnerich 
       Antonio waiter h 129 W 61st
       Frank P mgr Dujmovich & Arnerich h 321 W 52nd Pl
       Geo M waiter r 321 W 52nd Pl
       Geo P (Dujmovich & Arnerich) r 1437 W 25th
       Geo V waiter h 1521 Maple av
       Jas V waiter r 1521 Maple av
    (p. 165) Show Edit
  6. Tony Aviani rest 240 S Main h 413 Amelia
    (p. 173) Show Edit
  7. Steve Barisch cook r 314 N Main
    Haven't entered in db yet
    (p. 192) Show Edit
  8. Michl Biocina cook r 223 W 60th
    Spiro Biocina rest 505 S Central Av r 223 W 60th
    (p. 237) Show Edit
  9. Tony Bozena cook r 444 E 4th
    Didn't enter in database
    (p. 268) Show Edit
  10. Brajevich 
       Blas h 6607 Denver av
       Peter r 6607 Denver av
       Peter h 536 Towne av
    (p. 272) Show Edit
  11. Mike Budincich rest 408 Ord h 412 same
    (p. 304) Show Edit
  12. Geo Cuculitza (Geo Cuculitza & Co) r 326 N Main
    Geo Cuculitza & Co (Geo Cuculitza, John Novakovich) rest 316 N Main
    (p. 434) Show Edit
  13. Marco Derpich (Derpich & Lovretovich) h 920 Crocker
    Derpich & Lovretovich (Marco Derpich & Nicholas Lovretovich) rest 109 W 7th
    (p. 470) Show Edit
  14. Matteo C Dujmovich (Dujmovich & Arenerich) h 4351 S Grand av
    Vincent B Dujmovich mgr (Dujmovich & Arnerich) r 4351 S Grand av
    Dujmovich & Arenerich (M C Dujmovich, G P Arnerich) rest 341 S Main
    (p. 499) Show Edit
  15. Jack Filipich cook h 2611 Pennsylvania av
    (p. 557) Show Edit
  16. Louis Giuras rest h 156 W 38th
    Unusual listing in that 'rest' is given without an address, but restaurant section has him as co-proprietor
    (p. 629) Show Edit
  17. Antone Gospodnetich cook h 5601½ Moneta 
    (p. 644) Show Edit
  18. Stephan B Grcich (Paletak & Grcich) h 3927 Sunset blvd
    (p. 654) Show Edit
  19. Nick Hranuelli cook h 323 N Chicago
    (p. 783) Show Edit
  20. John Illich rest 214 N Main h 215 W 27th
    (p. 800) Show Edit
  21. Blass N Jangrodovich rest 234 N Main h 228 N Hope
    (p. 813) Show Edit
  22. Mitar Komad cook r 514½ Wall 
    (p. 888) Show Edit
  23. Luka Kovacevich dishwasher r 418½ Ord 
    (p. 890) Show Edit
  24. Matthew P Kressich (Milovich & Kressich) h 1230 W 11th
    (p. 893) Show Edit
  25. Antone M Kristovich rest 109 W 5th r 840 San Julian
    Martin Kristovich (Kristovich & Bushlie) r 471½ E 3rd
    Thos M Kristovich h 840 San Julian
    Kristovich & Bushlie (Martin Kristovich, Tom Bushlie) rest 504 E 3rd
    (p. 894) Show Edit
  26. Mike Likich rest 652 N B'way
    (p. 941) Show Edit
  27. Lovretovich
       Ned pdlr r 460Jackson
       Nick (Derpich & Loveretovich) r 460Jackson
       Nicholas rest 460 Jackson r 109 W 7th suspect rest and r are switched since above is presumably the same person
    (p. 965) Show Edit
  28. Spiro D Mandich waiter h 529 W 74th
    (p. 1023) Show Edit
  29. John Marcovich rest 428 E 5th h 4311 Berenice av
    (p. 1027) Show Edit
  30. Marietich
       Jas bkpr Andw Milovich h 2309 E 1st
       Jas D r 2309 E 1st
       Rosa wid Jas  h 2309 E 1st
    ? 3 Jas. Two claimed h
       Beatrice waiter r 2440 Huston
       Eva waiter  r 2440 Huston
       Peter rest 1147 E 1st  r 2440 Huston
    Eva and Beatrice are Peter's daughters. per MyHeritage
    (p. 1029-9) Show Edit
  31. Vincent Martich cook r 2535 Pennsylvania av
    (p. 1033) Show Edit
  32. Blass Mastanich waiter r 432 Temple
    John Mastanich chef h 205 N Hope
    Geo Mastrovich bkpr … r 4071 Budlong av
    Jos M Mastrovich rest 428 W 6th h 4071 Budlong av
    (p. 1042) Show Edit
  33. Frank Mantich cook r 351 Ogier
    (p. 1044) Show Edit
  34. Jerry Matulich (Guiras & Matulich) h 403 W 52nd pl
    (p. 1046) Show Edit
  35. Geo Milosevich waiter r 612½ Castelar 
       Anthony (Milovich & Kressich) h 885 W Kensington rd
       Mirko waiter r 630 College
       Nick waiter r 630 College
       Rose wid Wm h 630 College
       & Kressich (Anthony Milovich, M P Kressich) rest 515 S Main
    Frank Milutinvich rest h 639 Kohler
    (p. 1080) Show Edit
  36. Frank Musich rest 654 N B'way h 742 N Hill
    Mike Musich groc 656 N B'way next door to resto
    (p. 1122) Show Edit
  37. John Novacovich (Geo Cuculitza & Co) r 343 N Main
    (p. 1154) Show Edit
  38. Louis Palietak (Palietak & Grcich) r 445 N Grand av
    Palietak & Grcich (Louis Palietak &  S B Grcich) rest 413 W 5th
    (p. 1184) Show Edit
  39. Tony Panzich rest 903 E 1st
    (p. 1186) Show Edit
  40. Pavlovich
       Geo lab … r 807 Alpine
       John (Pavlovich & Bacich groc) h 807 Alpine
       Louis P rest 835 E 5th r 1018 E 40th
       & Bacich (John Pavlovich, Peter Bacich) gro 420 Ord
    (p. 1199) Show Edit
  41. Geo Petricich waiter h 3506 E 2d
    (p. 1216) Show Edit
  42. Popovich
       Bros (John and Nick) props L A Inst of Fine Mech Arts 744 N B'way
       John (Popovich Bros) h 309 Ord
       Nick lab …
       Nick (Popovich Bros) 309 Ord
       Nick G rest 307 Ord
    (p. 1237) Show Edit
  43. Michl Radulich waiter r 475 N Figueroa
    (p. 1259) Show Edit
  44. Restovich
       John rest 322 N Main h 1001 Everett
       Nicholas cook r 749 San Julian same as Antonio Scarich
       Vincent cook r 544 Towne av
    (p. 1281) Show Edit
  45. Saich no rest
    (p. 1336) Show Edit
  46. Antonio Scarich waiter h 749 San Julian
    Duplicated as Tony Skarich
    (p. 1350) Show Edit
  47. Skarich
       Bros (N T and Visco) rest 114 N Main
       John waiter r 1335 Pennsylvania av
       John P waiter 749 San Julian
       Nicola T (Skarich Bros) r 1335 Pennsylvania av
       Toni waiter 749 San Julian
       Vincent (Skarich Bros) h 1335 Pennsylvania av
    (p. 1407) Show Edit
  48. Alex Subotich rest 112 E 5th h 514½ Wall 
    (p. 1481) Show Edit
  49. Tomicich
       Geo (Tomicich & Zanich) h 614 N Bunker Hill av
       John lab 614 N Hill concidence on number or mistake?
       Mike  lab 614 N Hill
       Vincent cook h 343 Crocker
       & Zanich (Geo Tomicich, Nick Zanich) rest 232 S Main
    (p. 1523) Show Edit
  50. Martin P Veselich waiter r 539 Towne
    Antonio Vicich waiter r 1335 Pennsylvania av
    (p. 1565) Show Edit
  51. John Vrsalovich dish washer r 818 California
    Alea Vucovich waiter r 160 W 42d pl
    Mike Vujovich cook h 746 N Hill
    Peter Vuklevich cook r 828 S B'way
    Illja Vukovich waiter r 3741 Wall
    Geo Vulich waiter r 1515 W 15th

    (p. 1571) Show Edit
  52. Peter Yelich cook h 527 Gless
    (p. 1677) Show Edit
  53.  Nick Zanich (Tomicich & Zanich) r 532 S Soto
    (p. 1684) Show Edit
  54. Nicholas Andriasevich 217-9 N Spring
    Geo Arnerich 114 S B'way
    Spiro Biocina 505 S Central av
    Mike Budinicich 408 Ord
    Geo Cuculitza & Co 316 N Main
    Derpich & Lovretovich 109 W 7th
    Dujmovich & Arnerich 341 S Main
    Guiras & Matulich 311 W 5th
    John Illich 214 N Main
    B N Jangrodovich 234 N Main
    (p. 1942-3) Show Edit
  55. A M Kristovich 109 W 5th
    Kristovich & Bushlie 504 E 3rd
    Mike Likich 652 N B'way
    John Marcovich 428 E 5th
    Peter Markovich 1147 E 1st
    J M Mastrorich 428 W 6th
    Milovich & Kressich 515 S Main
    Frank Musich 654 N B'way
    Palietak & Grcich 413 W 5th
    Tony Panzich 903 E 1st
    L P Pavlovich 835 E 5th
    N G Popovich 307 Ord
    John Restovich 322 N Main
    Martin Rocovich 1271 E 6th
    Skarich Bros 114 N Main entered via Vincent and  Nicholas Tadia in residential section doc:391, p1407
    Alex Subotich 112 E 5th
    Tomicich & Zanich 232 S Main

    (p. 1944-5) Show Edit
  56. FIXME or reuse. This doc already exist
    (p. xxx) Show Edit

Updated about 4 years ago.

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Caption: Los Angeles City Directory ©1912 Compiled and Published by Los Angeles City Directory Co. Inc. Price, $10