Source: 1881–2 Los Angeles City and Country Directory

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Effective date: 1881-01-01

Publication Title: 1881–2 Los Angeles City and Country Directory

Publisher: Southern California Directory Co.

Document on computer: 1881-2 Los Angeles City Directory. p9. Title Page.jpg

Caption: Los Angeles City and Country Directory for 1881–2

10 documents linked to this source (directory)

  1. Los Angeles City and Country Directory for 1881–2
    Southern California Directory Co., Publishers
    L. Whitworth, Proprietor
    (p. 9) Show Edit
  2. 1881–2 Los Angeles City and Country Directory ToC
    (p. 11) Show Edit
  3. 1880 Census 11,200 population. All races included. "Since the drought of 1877, the growth of the city has been somewhat retarded."
    Several pages follow this one, but they aren't included in this database.
    (p. 22) Show Edit
  4. V. Dol, Commercial Restaurant, 65 Main, res Downey Block
    (p. 54) Show Edit
  5. (p. 56) Show Edit
  6. Grand Central Hotel, G. L. Schmidt, prop'r, 38, 40, 42 Main
    (p. 69) Show Edit
  7. J. Illich, restaurant, 117 Main, res same
    (p. 82) Show Edit
  8. A. Maricovich, cook, res Alameda
    G. Marectich, chop house, res 18 Wilmington
    G. Maritich, G. (Maritich & Co.) rooms Grand Central Hotel
    G. Maritich & Co., G. Maritich and G. Stuparish, "Queen" chop house, 44 Main
    Stuparish is listed as living at the Grand Central Hotel—is that really what line 3 is about? And G Mar… (co-prop of Queen chop house living at 18 Wilmington? Restaurant section has only one possible restaurant (and it's listed as Maritich & Co., 44 Main) that could be G Marecich's. All except one restaurant has the owner's name and that is Kansas City Dining Rooms which isn't a likely chop house. 
    (p. 99) Show Edit
  9. G. Stuparish, (G. Maritich & Co.) rms Grand Central Hotel
    Only time seen him, so not in db yet
    (p. 138) Show Edit
  10. Commercial, (V. Dol) 65 Main
    J. Illich, 117 Main
    G. Maritich & Co., 44 Main
    12 total restaurant listings
    (p. 181) Show Edit

Updated about 4 years ago.

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Caption: Los Angeles City and Country Directory for 1881–2