Source: 1897 Los Angeles City Directory, Maxwell's

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Effective date: 1897-05-01

Publication Title: 1897 Los Angeles City Directory, Maxwell's

Publisher: Los Angeles Directory Company

Document on computer: 1897 Los Angeles City Directory. Maxwell. p1. Title Page.jpg

Where I got the document(s):

Caption: Maxwell's Los Angeles City Directory and Gazateer of Southern California 1897 Los Angeles City Directory Co., Publishers

Notes: Preface. p 17 is dated May 1897 2021.02.04. Didn't go through the whole directory at this time. Only Marietich, Restovich, Scarich, Skarich

14 documents linked to this source (directory)

  1. Maxwell's Los Angeles City Directory and Gazateer of Southern California 1897
    Los Angeles City Directory Co., Publishers
    Preface is dated May, 1897
    (p. 1) Show Edit
  2. Contents
    Maxwell's Los Angeles City Directory and Gazateer of Southern California 1897
    (p. 16) Show Edit
  3. F. Atunovich & Co. (F. Atunovich, G. Cuculitza, M. Mastanhinich), proprs. Queen Restaurant, 316 N. Main.
    Florence Atunovich (F. Atunovich & Co.), r. 811 San Fernando.
    John Atunovich, waiter F. Atunovich & Co., r. 811 San Fernando.
    (p. 92) Show Edit
  4. Commercial Restaurant and Oyster Parlor (J. Restovich, T. Milovich, V. Scarich) ,128 E 1st.
    Louis Complita, cook Martin Siglie & Co. r. 417 E. 4h.
    (p. 235) Show Edit
  5. JERRY ILLICH, restaurant and cafe, 219-221 W. 3rd, r. 1018 S Hill
    John Illich, propr. National Restaurant, 214 N. Main, r. same
    (p. 486) Show Edit
  6. Andrew Marietich (Marincovich & Marietich), r. 316 Jackson
    James Marietich, r. 111 S. Chicago
    Miss Nettie Marietich, r. 316 Jackson
    Peter Marincovich (Marincovich & Marietich), r. 609 Ducommon
    Marincovich & Marietich (P. Marincovich & A. Marietich) props. Old Queen Chop House, 322 N. Main
    Jerry Marinovich, propr. Chicago Restaurant, 219½ Commercial, r.  213½ Commercial
    Thomas Marinovich, propr. St. Paul Restaurant, 544 S. Spring, r. same 

    (p. 600) Show Edit
  7. Andrew Milovich, waiter J. Marietich, r. 111 S. Chicago.
    Tony Milovich (Commercial Restaurant and Oyster Parlor), r. 128 E 1st.
    (p. 652) Show Edit
  8. John Restovich (Commercial Restaurant and Oyster Parlor), r. 762 San Julian
    (p. 775) Show Edit
  9. Vincent Scarich (Commercial Restaurant and Oyster Parlor), r. 329 Jackson
    (p. 815) Show Edit
  10. Tadia Skarich, dishwasher A. Aviani, r. 329 Jackson
    (p. 849) Show Edit
  11. Stephen Vuich, cook John Illich, r. 381 New High
    (p. 947) Show Edit
  12. Restaurants
    F. Atunovich & Co., 316 N. Main
    A Aviana sic, 325 Commercial
    Ad for The Maison Dorée, Emil Camus, Proprietor 145-147 North Main St
    (p. 1196) Show Edit
  13. Restaurants
    Commercial Restaurant and Oyster Parlor, 128 E. 1st
    Jerry Illich 219 W. 3rd
    John Illich, 214 N. Main
    (p. 1197) Show Edit
  14. Restaurants
    Marincovich & Marietich, 322 N. Main
    J. Marinovich, 217½ Commercial
    T. Marinovich, 544 S. Spring
    Mastrovich & Krilanovich, 137 N. Main
    M. Siglie & Co., 146 N. Main
    (p. 1198) Show Edit

Updated about 4 years ago.

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Caption: Maxwell's Los Angeles City Directory and Gazateer of Southern California 1897 Los Angeles City Directory Co., Publishers