Source: 1887-8 Los Angeles City and County Guide. Maxwell's.

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Effective date: 1887-01-02

Publication Title: 1887-8 Los Angeles City and County Guide. Maxwell's.

Publisher: Geo. W Maxwell & Co

Document on computer: 1887-8 Los Angeles City and County Guide. Maxwell's. p3. Title page.jpg

Where I got the document(s): LAPL

Original Document URL:

Caption: Maxwell's Directory of Los Angeles City and Country For 1887-8 Geo. W Maxwell & Co, Publishers

Notes: Some camera copies of copy in library and others online Using Jan 2, 1887 since Jan 1 used by Corran and causes problems with how I've set up database

11 documents linked to this source (directory)

  1. Maxwell's Directory of
    Los Angeles City and Country
    For 1887-8
    Geo. W Maxwell & Co, Publishers
    (p. 3) Show Edit
  2. John Billopera, (Billopera, Ouich & Lessevich), res room 17, Forster Block
    Billopera, Ouich & Lessevich, (John Billopera, (Billopera, Net Ouich & Nick Lessevich), props Mott market restaurant, Mott market 29 S Main, and Queen chop house, 222 N Main
    (p. 47) Show Edit
  3. V. Dol, propr Commercial Restaurant, 221 N Main
    (p. 140) Show Edit
  4. Jerry Illich, 41 and 43 F Main, res 16 Fort
    John Illich, mgr Illich's Restaurant, res 17 Fort
    (p. 257) Show Edit
  5. Nich Lessevich (Billopera, (Billopera, Ouich & Lessevich), res Forster Block
    (p. 301) Show Edit
  6. Andrew Marietich, cashier with (Billopera  Ouich & Lessevich, res 50 Wilmington
    Jackomo Marietich, res 50 Wilmington
    (p. 326) Show Edit
  7. Net Ouich(Billopera, Ouich & Lessevich), res Forster Block
    (p. 390) Show Edit
  8. Charles W. Swasey, clk with Hellman, Hass & Co, res room 21 Foster Block 28 S Main
    Shows address for Foster Block (Forster also?)
    (p. 497) Show Edit
  9. Billopera, Ouich & Lessevich, 29 S Main and 222 N Main
    Jerry Illich, 41 N Main
    Scotto & Villa, 11 W First
    ~70 resto listed
    (p. 608) Show Edit
  10. Forster Block, 28 S Main (p497 lists this address as Foster Block)
    Lanfranco Block, 120 N Main
    (p. 639) Show Edit
  11. Mott Block, 31 S Main
    Mott Block, 14 N Spring
    (p. 640) Show Edit

Updated almost 4 years ago.

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