Source: 1913 Los Angeles City Directory

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Effective date: 1913-01-01

Publication Title: 1913 Los Angeles City Directory

Publisher: Los Angeles Directory Company

Document on computer: 1913 Los Angeles City Directory. p5. Cover.jpg

Caption: Los Angeles City Directory 1913

58 documents linked to this source (directory)

  1. Title Page
    1913 Los Angeles City Directory
    Compiled and Published by
    Los Angeles Directory Company
    (p. 5) Show Edit
  2. Abbreviations
    "In addresses the word "street" is always understood. The letter h is used to indicate the head of the house and r for all others."
    rest is not defined although used
    (p. 138) Show Edit
  3. Andrich (3) not resto 629 N Hill
    Nicholas Andriasevich rest 217 N Spring h 213½ same (i.e., 213½ N Spring)
    Geo Androvich not resto, no resid address

    (p. 178) Show Edit
  4. Frank M Arnerich waiter r 321 W 52d pl
    Frank P Arnerich clk h 321 W 52d pl
    Geo M Arnerich waiter h 400 W 52nd pl
    Geo P Arnerich (Good Fellows Grotto) h 1437 W 25th
    Jas Arnerich r 1421 Maple av
    Tony Arnerich waiter h 129 W 61st
    (p. 188) Show Edit
  5. Ernest Aviani rest 515 E 7th r 413 same
    Tony Avianni rest h 413 Amelia
    (p. 199) Show Edit
  6. Marco Biocina cook r 233 W 60th
    Spiro Biocina h 223 W 60th
    (p. 280) Show Edit
  7. Anton Bozina cook T M & A M Kristovich
    no res address
    (p. 319) Show Edit
  8. George Bradasich waiter h 630 Wall
    (p. 320) Show Edit
  9. Peter Brajevich cook r 324 Towne av
    Stephen Brajevich (Laubach & Milutinovich) r 512 Ruth
    (p. 324) Show Edit
  10. Thos Buslye (Kristovich & Buslye) h 422 Towne av
    (p. 381) Show Edit
  11. Geo Cuculitza (Novakovich & Cuculitza) r 326 N Main
    (p. 527) Show Edit
  12. Marco Derpich (Derpich & Lovretovich) h 920 Crocker
    Derpich & Lovretovich (Marco Derpich & Nick Lovretovich) rest 109 W 7th
    (p. 572) Show Edit
  13. Louis Didak (Vicich & Didak) h 520½ Towne av 
    (p. 580) Show Edit
  14. Matteo C Dujmovich (Good Fellows Grotto) h 4351 S Grand av
    Vincent B Dujmovich clk Good Fellows Grotto) r 4351 S Grand av
    (p. 609) Show Edit
  15. Louis Giuras (Giuras & Matulich) h 146 W 38th
    Giuras & Matulich (Louis Giuras & Jerry Matulich) rest 311 W 5th
    (p. 768) Show Edit
  16. The Good Fellows Grotto, Grill and Oyster House, M C Dujmovich and G P Arnerich props, 341 S Main
    (p. 780) Show Edit
  17. Lucy Gospodich choc dipper W S Fenn Watts not resto related, but how could we leave out a Croatian chocolate dipper
    Tony Gosponitch cook h 1438 Maple av
    (p. 787) Show Edit
  18. Stefan B Grcich cook Louis Palietak 3927 Sunset blvd
    (p. 799) Show Edit
  19. Nicholas Hranueli cook r 323 N Chicago
    (p. 960) Show Edit
  20. Billy Illich driver 702 College
    Danl Illich cafe emp Hamburgers r 522 Banning
    Flora Illich r 215 W 27th
    John Illich h 215 W 27th
    Tony Illich waiter r 511 Temple
    Vaso Illich lab 620 Castelar
    (p. 981) Show Edit
  21. Blas Kalinceh waiter r 447 Gladys
    John Kaliniceh (Pavlovich & Kalinich) r 447 Gladys
    (p. 1038) Show Edit
  22. Mitar R Komad waiter 514 ½ Wall 
    (p. 1092) Show Edit
  23. Kovacevich Bros cigars …
    Sam Kovich waiter r 613 Castelar
    Peter Kovacovich cook h 861 Yale
    (p. 1094) Show Edit
  24. Matthew P Kressich rest 515 S Main h 1230 W 11th
    (p. 1097) Show Edit
  25. T M & A M Kristovich rest 109 W 5th
    Thos M (T M and A M Kristovich) h 840 San Julian
    Vine Kristovich wid Steve h 531 E 33d
    Kristovich & Buslye (Martin Kristovich, Thos Buslye) rest 504 E 3d
    No resid address for A M nor Martin. Did they live at resto or just missing data
    (p. 1099) Show Edit
  26. Stephen Kusely (Kusely & Restovich) h 1249 Magnolia av
    Kusely & Restovich (Stephen Kusely & Michl Restovich) rest 113 E 3d
    (p. 1104) Show Edit
  27. Arthur L Lauback (Lauback & Milutinovich) r 1205 E 6th
    Lauback & Milutinovich (A L Lauback & Frank Milutinovich) rest 1207 E 6th
    Restaurant not listed in resto section, so this is the ref
    (p. 1125) Show Edit
  28. Ned Lovretovich pdlr r 460 Jackson
    Nick Lovretovich (Derpich & Lovretovich) h 460 Jackson
    (p. 1186) Show Edit
  29. Andw Marietich rest 322 N Main r same
    Nettie Marietich
    Rosa Marietich wid Jas h 2309 E 1st
    (p. 1237) Show Edit
  30. Spiro Mandich waiter h 529 W 74th
    (p. 1261) Show Edit
  31. Thos Marinovich cook r 413 Amelia
    Peter Markovich cook h 2440 Houston
    (p. 1268) Show Edit
  32. John Mastanich cook h 205 N Hope
    Mary Mastinich wid Michl h 660 N Grand
    (p. 1284) Show Edit
  33. Aug Matulic waiter h 125 W 61st
    Jerry Matulich (Giuras & Matulich) h 403 W 52d pl
    (p. 1289) Show Edit
  34. Juro Milosevich waiter r 847 Cleveland
    Mirko Milovich waiter r 622 Alpine
    Nick Milovich waiter  r 622 Alpine
    Frank Milutinovich (Laubach & Milutinovich) h 639 Koehler
    (p. 1331) Show Edit
  35. Radulovich Mitchel waiter r 230 N Main (first and last transposed)
    (p. 1334) Show Edit
  36. John Novakovich (Novakovich & Cuculitza) r 343 N Main
    Novakovich & Cuculitza (John Novakovich, Geo Cuculitza) rest 316 N Main
    (p. 1420) Show Edit
  37. John Ostoich waiter r 112 California
    Peter N Ostoich carp h 112 California
    John Ostovich waiter r 618 N Bunker Hill av
    Peter Ostovich carp h 618 N Bunker Hill av
    Can't be two John and Peters living together with the same occupation with names that close. I've seen Ostoich before, but why the two addresses? Did they move during the gathering of info? Neither address has appeared up till now.
    (p. 1445) Show Edit
  38. Louis Palietak rest 413 W 5th r 623 ½ S Spring 
    (p. 1458) Show Edit
  39. Mrs Mary Panzich cash Tony Panzich r 164 ½ S Gless
    Tony Panzich rest 903 E 1st h 164 ½ S Gless
    Marion Papach rest 654 S Main h 3225 Eagle
    3 other Papach at 3225 Eagle
    Leo Papich dishwasher r rear 642 Castelar
    Michl Papovitch cook Hollenbeck Hotel
    (p. 1461) Show Edit
  40. John Pavlovich (Pavlovich & Bacich) h 807 Alpine
    Louis Pavlovich (Pavlovich & Kalinich) h 737 Ruth
    Pavlovich & Bacich (John Pavlovich, Peter Bacich) gro 420 Ord
    Pavlovich & Kalinich (Louis Pavlovich, John Kalinich) rest 835 E 5th
    (p. 1477) Show Edit
  41. Nick G Popovich rest 307 Ord h 311 same
    ~7 more Popovich, no others at this address (but Nick with auto repair is at 309 Ord). Vekak has bakery
    (p. 1523) Show Edit
  42. Geo M Restovich clk … r 417 Amelia
    Geo W Restovich contr 417 Amelia
    John Restovich rest 322 N Main h 1001 Everett
    Michl (Kusely & Restovich) r 812 California
    Nicholas Restovich cook r 749 San Julian
    Peter T Restovich slsmn … r 417 Amelia
    Vincent Restovitch cook F A Randolph r 239 Wall
    (p. 1578) Show Edit
  43. John Salamunovich waiter r 630 Wall
    Jos Salamunovich cook r 630 Wall
    Duchon Salatich waiter r 631 S Central av
    (p. 1648) Show Edit
  44. Nicholas Scarich waiter  718 W 3d
    Tony Scarich lab h 749 San Julian
    (p. 1663) Show Edit
  45. Martin Siglie saloon 230 N Main h 632 Wall
    Martin Siglie jr bartndr Martin Siglie 632 Wall
    (p. 1728) Show Edit
  46. John Skarich waiter r 1335 Pennsylvania av
    Nicholas J Skarich clk  r 1335 Pennsylvania av
    Vincent Skarich cook  r 1335 Pennsylvania av
    Visco Skaric rest 114 N Main  h 1335 Pennsylvania av
    (p. 1737) Show Edit
  47. Vincent F Versalovich waiter 426 E 27th
    Martin P Veselich rest 935 E 1st r Tropico
    Stephen P Veselich treas … r Tropico
    Found 60+ people (male and female) living at Tropico, but no listing for it.. Not a hotel
    (p. 1932) Show Edit
  48. Anton B Vicich (Vicich & Didak) r 520 ½ Towne av
     Vicich & Didak (A B Vicich, Louis Didak) rest 701 E 5th
    (p. 1933) Show Edit
  49. Elia Vucovich waiter h 160 W 42d pl
    Spiro Vucovich cook r 3006 6th av
    Mike Vujovich cook h 746 N Hill
    (p. 1941) Show Edit
  50. Peter Yelich cook r 527 S Gless
    (p. 2073) Show Edit
  51. Mate Yeseta cook r 921 Bartlett
    Tony Yeseta rest 637 S Main h 921 Bartlett
    (p. 2074) Show Edit
  52. Nicholas Zaninovich chef h 532 S Soto
    (p. 2082) Show Edit
  53. Cigars and Tobacco
    Wm Bubica 230 N Main
    Entered because someone else at this address?
    (p. 2242) Show Edit
  54. Restaurants
    Nicholas Andreasevich 217 N Spring
    Ernest Aviani 515 E 7th
    (p. 2455) Show Edit
  55. Restaurants
    Mike Budincich 408 Ord
    Derpich & Lovretovich 109 W 7th
    Dujmovich & Arnerich 341 S Main
    Stevo Galich 411 Ord
    Giuras & Matulich 311 W 5th
    Good Fellows Grotto, Grill and Oyster House 341 S Main
    (p. 2456) Show Edit
  56. Restaurants
    Louis Paliatak 413 W 5th
    Tony Panzich 903 E 1st
    Marion Papac 654 S Main
    Pavlovich & Kalinich 835 E Hill
    N G Popovich 307 Ord
    Visco Skarich 114 N Main
    A M Subotich 112 E 5th
    Geo Tomicich 232 S Main
    M P Veselich 935 E 1st
    Vicich & Didak 701 E 5th
    Tony Yeseta 637 S Main
    (p. 2458-9) Show Edit
  57. Martin Siglie 230 N Main
    (p. 2464) Show Edit
  58. Saloons
    Martin Siglie 230 N Main
    only Croatian saloon
    (p. 2464) Show Edit

Updated over 3 years ago.

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Caption: Los Angeles City Directory 1913