Source: 1915 Los Angeles City Directory

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Effective date: 1915-01-01

Publication Title: 1915 Los Angeles City Directory

Publisher: Los Angeles Directory Company

Where I got the document(s): MyHeritage

Caption: Los Angeles City Directory 1915, Los Angeles Directory Company, Directory Publishers

5 documents linked to this source (directory)

  1. Los Angeles City Directory 1915
    Los Angeles Directory Company
    Title Page
    (p. 7) Show Edit
    (p. 13) Show Edit
  3. Restaurants
    Aviani & Salatich 2019½ E 7th
    Tony Banzich
    Steven Galich 411 Ord
    Guiras & Matulich 527 S Spring
    Good Fellows Grotto 341 S Main
    Grcich & Palietak 413 W 5th
    (p. 2562-3) Show Edit
  4. Restaurants
    B N Jangradovich 234 N Main
    John Kalinich 835 E 5th
    Martin Katich 658 Castelar
    M P Kressich 515 S Main
    T M Kristovich 515 E 7th
    Kristovich & Buslje 504 E 3d
    Markovich & Wilson 237 S Main
    Frank Milutinovich 1207 E 6h
    Novakovich &Cuculitza 316 N Main
    J L Pierovich 322 W 3d
    Nikola Popovich 714N Bway
    (p. 2564-5) Show Edit
  5. Restaurants
    C J Setenich 507 W 3d
    Skarich & Vrsalovich 114 N Main
    A M Subotich 112 E 5th
    Tomicich Bros 232 S Main
    Tomicich & Restovich 533 S Front, San Pedro
    M F Veselich 935 E 1st
    Zaich Bros 504 W 6th
    Peter Zivich 619 S Central av
    (p. 2566-7) Show Edit

Updated over 2 years ago.

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Caption: Los Angeles City Directory 1915, Los Angeles Directory Company, Directory Publishers