Source: 1888 Los Angeles City Directory

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Effective date: 1888-01-01

Publication Title: 1888 Los Angeles City Directory

Publisher: W. H. L. Corran, Publisher and Printer

Document on computer: 1888 Los Angeles City Directory. Corran. p17 Title Page.jpg

Where I got the document(s): MyHeritage

Caption: 1888 Los Angeles City Directory. W. H. L. Corran, Publisher and Printer. p17 Title Page.jpg

Notes: Library of Congress Copyright Aug 30, 1888. This suggests data might be closer to that.

19 documents linked to this source (directory)

  1. (p. ) Show Edit
  2. 1888 Los Angeles City Directory. W. H. L. Corran, Publisher and Printer. Title Page
    (p. 17) Show Edit
  3. There are in our Los Angeles City Directory 29,526 names, which if multiplied by three, will place the population at 88,578.
    (p. 19) Show Edit
  4. B'nai B'rith. Two lodges in this city, viz: Orange Lodge, No. 224. Semi-Tropic Lodge, No. 341. (Illich attended an event at Semi-Tropic Lodge)
    (p. 52) Show Edit
  5. About the time N Main street numbering changed, but I don't think this helps
    (p. 74) Show Edit
  6. John Bielopero (Viuch, Lessovich, Bielopero) res 28 S Main
    (p. 130) Show Edit
  7. Victorin Dol, res 108 New High
    (p. 240) Show Edit
  8. Filicich P. & Co. (Pascoe and Vince Filicich) proprietors Universal Restaurant, 205 South Main
    Pascoe Filicich (P. Filicich & Co.) res 207 South Main
    Vince Filicich (P. Filicich & Co.) res 207 South Main
    (p. 272) Show Edit
  9. Jerry Illich (Jerry Illich & Co.) res 17 North Fort
    Jerry Illich & Co. (Jerry Illich and James Marietich) restaurant, 41-43 North Main
    John Illich (John Illich & Co.) res New Arlington House
    John Illich & Co. (John Illich and Peter Marengo) restaurant, 104 South Spring
    (p. 382) Show Edit
  10. Nicholas Lessovich (Viuich [sic Vuich], Lessovich & Bielopero) res Forster Block
    (p. 436) Show Edit
  11. Nicholas Mandich (Mandich & Mandich) res 309 Center
    Sophia Mandich, widow, res 309 Center
    Stephen Mandich  with Mandich & Mandich, res 309 Center
    William D. Mandich (Mandich & Mandich) res 309 Center
    (Mandich continues on p464)
    (p. 463) Show Edit
  12. Mandich & Mandich (Nicholas & William D. Mandich) proprietors Saratoga Restaurant, 304½ North Main and 9-11 Arcadia
    Peter Marengo (John Illich &Co.) res N s East First nr Bridge
    Andrew Marietich, clerk, res 50 Wilmington
    James Marietich (Jerry Illich & Co.) res 50 Wilmington
    Visco Marietich, waiter, 607 Temple
    Katie Marincovich, widow, res W s Anderson bet First and Aliso
    (p. 464) Show Edit
  13. John Matovich, waiter Mandich & Mandich
    (p. 472) Show Edit
  14. Nicholas Obradovich, waiter John Illich & Co.
    (p. 540) Show Edit
  15.  Peter Scotto, cook John Illich & Co.
    (p. 626) Show Edit
  16. John Tomcovich, cook Antone Basich, res 103 Buena Vista [Basich had no listing]
    Michael Tomich, restaurant, 28 East First, res 36 South Los Angeles
    (p. 696) Show Edit
  17. John Viscovich, lodgings, 113 South Main
    VIUCH, LESSOVICH & BIELOPERO), Net Viuch, Nicolas Lessovich, John Bielopero) restaurant, 29 Mott Market
    Net Viuch (Viuch, Lessovich & Bielopero) res Forster Block
    (p. 713) Show Edit
  18. P. Filicich & Co., 205 South Main
    Jerry Illich & Co., 41–43 North Main
    John Illich & Co., 104 South Spring
    Mandich & Mandich, 304½ North Main, and 9-11 Arcadia [restaurant name not here although is in general listings]
    (p. 854-5) Show Edit
  19. M. Tomich, 28 East First
    Viuch, Lessovich & Bielopero, 29 Mott Market
    (p. 856) Show Edit

Updated about 4 years ago.

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Caption: 1888 Los Angeles City Directory. W. H. L. Corran, Publisher and Printer. p17 Title Page.jpg