Peter L Marincovich ( Marin covich ) Age: 47  Working at a Restaurant

Date: 1897 May 1

Name on Reference Document: Peter Marincovich is a Co-proprietor at

322 N Main St, Los Angeles which is a restaurant named "Old Queen Chop House".


Peter Marincovich (Marincovich & Marietich), r. 609 Ducommon
Marincovich & Marietich (P. Marincovich & A. Marietich) props. Old Queen Chop House, 322 N. Main

Person (ID: 108):
Based on the 1893 Los Angeles City Directory which has Peter Marincovich in the residential section working at 322 N Main St, but has P Marinovich at the save address, and that (to me) Marinovich sounds more Croatian, I'm changing the 1893 link to be Marinovich for birth and death (Peter Marincovich)
Married Mar 15 1883 - Santa Clara, California, United States Wife: Kate Sresovich {Sresović)

Address (ID: 18):
Before ~1888 the address for this location was 222 N Main St which will point to these coordinates, but since the address of record is 222, will leave that entry alone.

Updated over 3 years ago. Created about 4 years ago.

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