Vincent (Vicko Juraj) Scarich (Skarich) Age: 38  Working at a Restaurant

Date: 1897 May 1

Name on Reference Document: V. Scarich is a Co-proprietor at

128 E 1st St, Los Angeles which is a restaurant named "Commercial Restaurant and Oyster Parlor".


John Restovich (Commercial Restaurant and Oyster Parlor), r. 762 San Julian
Vincent Scarich (Commercial Restaurant and Oyster Parlor), r. 329 Jackson p815
Commercial Restaurant and Oyster Parlor (J. Restovich, T. Milovich, V. Scarich), 128 E 1st

Person (ID: 140):
Testing, add your own content

Address (ID: 140):
1892 Los Angeles City Directory. John Scarrich 128 E 1st. J Scarvich 551 S Grand.p452. "Jack's Restaurant" 1895 Los Angeles City Directory
Using for pre 1890 with 28 E 1st St address

Updated over 3 years ago. Created about 4 years ago.

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