Spiro D Mandich Age: 22  Working at a Restaurant

Date: 1894 Jan 1

Name on Reference Document: is a Waiter at

322 N Main St, Los Angeles which is a restaurant named "Queen Restaurant".


Spiro Mandich, waiter Queen Restaurant, r. St. Charles Hotel, 314 N. Main.
Used address for Old Queen from p675  FIXME?

Person (ID: 171):
Spire Mandich, waiter Tony Milovich, res 933 Court
Filed for naturalization 1918
Spiro occurs more frequently
né ~1872, Married Annie Frances Wicks 17 May 1899 (MyHeritage)
~ five Spiro Mandichs in MyHeritage search. Two in SF in the early 1900s
One born and died SF 22 May 1897–1 Nov 1965

Address (ID: 18):
Before ~1888 the address for this location was 222 N Main St which will point to these coordinates, but since the address of record is 222, will leave that entry alone.

Updated about 4 years ago. Created about 4 years ago.

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