James Marietich Age: 51  Working at a Restaurant

Date: 1896 May 1

Name on Reference Document: James Marietich is a Proprietor at

145-147 N Main St, Los Angeles which is a restaurant named "Maison Doree".


Andrew Marietich (Marincovich & Marietich), r. 111 S. Chicago This is jr, since A.M. died in 1984
James Marietich, propr. Maison Doree restaurant, 145-147 S. Spring [error], r. 111 S. Chicago
145–147 S Spring St. on 1894 Sanborn is a bank. And it still was on 1921 Baist

Person (ID: 46):
Married Rosa M Garcia ~1880. Son James born 1893 became a fireman

Address (ID: 6):
Use 145 N Main St for residential. Although it is the same place. pre-1890 this is 45 Main. and they should be combined or the app fixed to account for that.

Updated over 3 years ago. Created about 9 years ago.

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Source at AWS [@year.aws_url]: http://crores.s3.amazonaws.com/1890%E2%80%939%2... This is deprecated, but stays until those docs are deleted


@year.aws_url: . Shouldn't be empty because test for existence. @year.aws_url?: . [line 286]
Even though both are blank in some cases, this and the following still show TODO

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The above may be a duplicate but will deleted once new doc has been added and all the info has been updatedThis is @year.aws_url [line 195] How to delete these