Catherine (Katie) Marietich 's Residence

Date: 1895 Sep 1

Name on Reference Document: is a Resident at

316 Jackson, Los Angeles (Residence)


Somewhat tenuous relation to this database as she is the widow of Andrew Marietich who was a restauranteur in SF, but not sure about LA. Haven't established when he moved to LA. Two of their son-in-laws were LA restauranteurs-Vincent Scarich and John Restovich. Katie is the great-great-grandmother of the creator of this database.
Miss Hattie Marietich, packer Bishop & Company, r. 316 Jackson (second Hattie listing which I had assumed must be Nettie?. In either case must be A.M. and Katie's daughter)
Katie Marietich (widow A. M. Marietich [Sr]), r. 316 Jackson

From 1896 Los Angeles City Directory. p896. Click for complete doc.

No snippet drawn since no the snippet from the document has not been drawn.

Person (ID: 142):

Address (ID: 153):
1896 Los Angeles City Directory, Marietich Andrew Old Queen Chop House 322 N Main. James Maison Doree. Hattie & Katie (wid A M) 316 Jackson

Updated almost 5 years ago. Created about 9 years ago.

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Source at AWS [@year.aws_url]: This is deprecated, but stays until those docs are deleted,%20Marietich%20Andrew%20Old%20Queen%20Chop%20House%20322%20N%20Main.%20James%20Maison%20Doree.%20Hattie%20%26%20Katie%20(wid%20A%20M)%20316%20Jackson.%20p896.jpg

@year.aws_url: . Shouldn't be empty because test for existence. @year.aws_url?: . [line 286]
Even though both are blank in some cases, this and the following still show TODO

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The above may be a duplicate but will deleted once new doc has been added and all the info has been updatedThis is @year.aws_url [line 195] How to delete these