1894 Dec 28
Name on Reference Document: is a Co-proprietor at
219-½ Commercial St, Los Angeles .
Original Document URL:
No snippet drawn since no the snippet from the document has not been drawn.
Connection (deprecated, transfer to above)
Scarneo & Bacino, restaurant license [ granted or applied for ] at 219-½ Commercial Street. The following applications were referred to the chief: meaning license may not have been issued.
Person (ID: 134):
Person (deprecated):
Address (deprecated):
1895 Los Angeles City Directory. Vincent (Jack's Restaurant 128 E First) r 329 Jackson. p1212. In this year Scarneo & Bacina. NOT Croatian
Updated over 5 years ago. Created almost 9 years ago.
No images via `docs`, so they need to be added.
Source at AWS [@year.aws_url]: This is deprecated, but stays until those docs are deleted,%20December%2028,%201894,%20Page%205.%20Scarneo%20Resto.pdf
@year.aws_url: . Shouldn't be empty because test for existence. @year.aws_url?: . [line 286]
Even though both are blank in some cases, this and the following still show TODO
Delete this image
The above may be a duplicate but will deleted once new doc has been added and all the info has been updatedThis is @year.aws_url [line 195] How to delete these