Date: 1908 Mar 14
1001 Everett St, Los Angeles (Residence)
Original Document URL:
No snippet drawn since no the snippet from the document has not been drawn.
Connection (deprecated, transfer to above) Confirms address for John. "Joseph Restovlch, the 18-year-old son of John Restovich, the proprietor of the Old Queen restaurant and a well known member of the Italian colony, died yesterday at the family residence, 1001 Everett Street, after a lingering illness of typhoid fever. It is expected the funeral will be held Monday afternoon. The interment will be in Calvary cemetery."
Person (deprecated):
Address (deprecated): geolocated with geocoder 2016.02.18. Later manually with Baist.
Updated about 8 years ago. Created almost 9 years ago.
No images via `docs`, so they need to be added.
Source at AWS [@year.aws_url]: This is deprecated, but stays until those docs are deleted
@year.aws_url: . Shouldn't be empty because test for existence. @year.aws_url?: . [line 286] Even though both are blank in some cases, this and the following still show TODO
The above may be a duplicate but will deleted once new doc has been added and all the info has been updatedThis is @year.aws_url [line 195] How to delete these