Jerry (Jeremiah) Illich Age: 50  's Residence

Date: 1902 Jun 24

Name on Reference Document: is a Resident at

1018 S Hill St, Los Angeles (Residence)

Original Document URL:



No snippet drawn since no the snippet from the document has not been drawn.

Connection (deprecated, transfer to above) Dying at home. Wife, son aged 9 and daughter aged 8

Person (ID: 48):
Pre 1890 41-43 N Main St, Post was 145-147N Main St., Address numbering changed north of 1st
Came to US approx 1870–1875. Citizen by Aug 1875
DoB approx from 1880 Census. Jeremiah seems rare. What year was that. Later was always Jerry. Unless really a different person. Registered to vote: Feb. 29, 1884, Age 31, Naturalized:  Santa Clara County. 1903 Los Angeles City Directory. p647. "Nellie (Wid Jeremiah) h 1018 S Hill" which lines up with DoD
FIXME this may not be the correct do to link

Person (deprecated):

Address (ID: 28):

Address (deprecated): Geocoder with current address

Updated about 8 years ago. Created over 8 years ago.

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@year.aws_url: . Shouldn't be empty because test for existence. @year.aws_url?: . [line 286]
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The above may be a duplicate but will deleted once new doc has been added and all the info has been updatedThis is @year.aws_url [line 195] How to delete these