John Viscovich~35.Hotel Age: 55  's Residence

Date: 1890 Jan 1

Name on Reference Document: John Viscovich is a Resident at

6 San Pedro St, Los Angeles (Residence)


John Viscovich, res 6 San Pedro
Maggie A. Viscovich, proprietor Oakland House, 6 San Pedro

Person (ID: 61):
Must be two J(ohn) Viscovich. Will try to separate them out by residence as one was on Bunker Hill for a while
1876.03.10 Voter Registration Sixth Ward, Alameda, California, United States né ~1837
1877 San Francisco Langley. Viscovich John & Co. (George iza), restaurant, 405 Fourth ???
1877 Oakland Viscovich John (Viscovich & Donahue) res and resto 858 Broadway
1878 Oakland Viscovich John, proprietor Central Pacific Oyster Saloon, S s Seventh bet Market and West, res 835 Market
1878 Oakland. Viscovich John, restaurant, junction Market, West and Seventh.
1879 VISCOVICH JOHN, proprietor Central Pacific Oyster Sa loon, S s Seventh bet Market and West, res 717 Sixth Oakland. 3rd John V
1880 Census Oakland. Viscovich ne~1840, John & Maggie
1881 Viscovich John, res 1259 Campbell, Oakland City Directory. 2nd or 3rd John V
John Viscovich, Hotel keeper registered to vote Aug. 29, 1884, Age 49. Born: Montinegro, Resident Los Angeles, Naturalized:  Sierra Co., Cal., District
1886.11.16  Los Angeles Daily Herald. John & Margaret bought property in LA
1896.01.18 Los Angeles Herald.  Filed for divorce from Margaret

Address (ID: 554):
John Viscovich, res 6 San Pedro
Maggie A. Viscovich, proprietor Oakland House, 6 San Pedro

Updated almost 2 years ago. Created about 9 years ago.

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