Martin L Kristovich Age: 36  's Residence

Date: 1907 Jan 1

Name on Reference Document: is a Resident at

471½ E 3rd St, Los Angeles (Residence)


From MyHeritage Search. p-0. Click for complete doc.

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Person (ID: 86):
Note: Three Martin Kristovichs in 1910 (at least if this is correct, 3 residential addresses. Two for sure in restaurant trade), but other years show that only one was co-proprietor. But this is the only year two in restaurants. Teamster was around for other years.
Martin Stephen Kristovich was born in Arizona June 6, 1886 and died in LA May 5, 1959 but is young to have been this one.
" Martin r 640 Castelar
" Martin (Kristovich & Lehman) r 471½  E 3rd
" Martin waiter r 508½ E 3rd 
" & Lehman (Martin Kristovich, John Lehman) rest 504 E 3rd

Voter registration  Aug 3 1892 r 255 Boyd St (Martin Christovich)
Voter Registration June 17 1896 r 632 Wall DoB ~1871

Address (ID: 95):

Updated about 4 years ago. Created about 5 years ago.

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Caption: Martin Kristovich (Kristovich & Lauback), res 471½ E 3rd; Thomas M Kristovich (Kristovich & Mastrovich) res 536 Town av; Kristovich & Laubach (Martin Kristovich, Arthur Laubach), restaurant 504 E 3rd; Kristovich & Mastrovich (Thomas M Kristovich, J M Mastrovich), props Golden State Lunch Room 505 Central av.