Blas B Mastinich Age: 47  's Residence

This listing something not restauranteur related

Date: 1906 May 1

Name on Reference Document: Blas Mastinich is a Resident at

225 N Bunker Hill Ave, Los Angeles (Residence)


Note Blas Mastinich is a contractor. But in the past in resto bus. Or are Sr and Jr mixed up? In 1910 Census, no Blas jr (Blas' son is Paul Blas and was born in ~1906). Blas' brother, Paul,  lived with him in 1910 and was a miner

Person (ID: 16):
Brother of Mitchell/Michael and Paul. 
But apparently not a restauranteur., so could delete

Address (ID: 60):
Blas Mastinich, contr, h 225 N Bunker Hill av
Blas Mastinich jr, waiter, res 225 N Bunker Hill av
Paul Mastinich, miner, res 225 N Bunker Hill av

Updated over 3 years ago. Created about 5 years ago.

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Caption: Blas Mastinich, contractor, res 225 Bunker Hill av; Blas Mastinich jr, waiter, res 225 Bunker Hill av; Michell Mastinich, (M Mastinich & Co), res 921 Date; Paul Mastinich, miner, res 225 Bunker Hill av; Mastinich & Co (Michell Mastinich, John Novacovich, George Cuculitza) restaurant 316 N Main