Arthur Laubach 's Residence

This listing something not restauranteur related

Date: 1905 Sep 1

Name on Reference Document: is a Householder at

504 E 3rd St, Los Angeles (Residence)


Arthur Laubach (Kristovich &  Laubach), h 504 E 3d.
Laubach is the householder at 504 E 3rd but Martin Kristovich listing says this is their restaurant address!
Restaurant listing (p2244) is:
Kristovich T M, 505 Central
Kristovich & Lanbach, 504 E 3d (This is Martin according to residential listing. Also a spelling error for Laubach [Laubach seems more likely and occurs in more places])
So Laubach is co-proprietor and lives at the restaurant. Martin Kristovich lives elsewhere
From 1906 Los Angeles City Directory. p987. Click for complete doc.

No snippet drawn since no the snippet from the document has not been drawn.

Person (ID: 12):

Address (ID: 211):

Address (deprecated): Kristovich & Laubach (Martin Kristovich, Arthur Laubach), restaurant 504 E 3rd

Updated over 4 years ago. Created over 4 years ago.

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