Mott Market (129-133 S Main St), Los Angeles

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Address: Mott Market (129-133 S Main St), Los Angeles CA
Is a post-1890 address.

Longitude, Latitude: -118.244188, 34.051559

Coords: Locked

How geocoded: 1921 Baist has Mott Market with addresses 129, 131, 133 and the label is "Market" and "Mott Blk."

Extant: Gone

Current description: Large building. Maybe Police Dept


Viuch sic, Lessovich & Bielopereo (N Viuch, N Lessovich and J Bielopero) restaurant, Mott Market, S Main
Vuich sic & Siglie, Rockaway Oyster and and Chop House, 327 N Main
Restaurants Bielspero & Lessevich. 1894 Sanborn, 1900 Directory, and 1921 Baist show 129-133 S Main St as Mott Market

Who worked or lived here:

  1. 1887 Apr 1: John N Bielopero. (J. B. Bropro). Proprietor at Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  2. 1889 Sep 1: N Vuich. Co-proprietor at Vuich, Lessovich & Bielopero Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  3. 1890 Jan 1: Nicholas Lessevich. (Nicholas Lessovich). Co-proprietor at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  4. 1890 Jan 1: Martin L Kristovich. (Martin Cristovich). Cook at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  5. 1890 Jan 1: Louis Complita. (Lucas Complito). Cook at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  6. 1890 Jan 1: John N Bielopero. (John Bielopero). Co-proprietor at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  7. 1890 Jan 1: N Vuich. (Net Viuch ). Proprietor at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  8. 1890 Sep 1: John N Bielopero. Co-proprietor at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  9. 1890 Sep 1: Angelo Filipavich. Resident at Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  10. 1890 Sep 1: Nicholas Lessevich. Co-proprietor at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  11. 1891 Jan 1: Nicholas Lessevich. Co-proprietor at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  12. 1891 Jan 1: John N Bielopero. Co-proprietor at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  13. 1891 Jan 1: Angelo Filipavich. Resident at Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  14. 1891 Sep 1: John N Bielopero. Co-proprietor at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  15. 1891 Sep 1: John N Bielopero. Co-proprietor at Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  16. 1892 Jan 1: Nicholas Lessevich. (Lessevich). Co-proprietor at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  17. 1892 Jan 1: John N Bielopero. (Jno Bielopero). Co-proprietor at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  18. 1892 Jan 1: A Finkich. (A Finkich). Cook at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  19. 1892 Sep 1: Nicholas Lessevich. Co-proprietor at Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  20. 1892 Sep 1: John N Bielopero. Co-proprietor at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  21. 1893 Sep 1: John N Bielopero. Proprietor at Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  22. 1894 Jan 1: John N Bielopero. Proprietor at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  23. 1894 Mar 17: N Vuich. (Nikolas Vuich). Cook at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  24. 1894 Mar 17: Edward Vuich. (Edward Vuich). Cook at Mott Market Restaurant Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit
  25. 1894 May 5: John N Bielopero. Proprietor at Mott Market (129-133 S Main St). Show Edit

Location ID: 139 updated over 3 years ago and created about 9 years ago.

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Mott Market, 129-133 S. Main

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