N Vuich Working at a Restaurant

Date: 1894 Mar 17

Name on Reference Document: Nikolas Vuich is a Cook at

Mott Market (129-133 S Main St), Los Angeles which is a restaurant named "Mott Market Restaurant".


Nikolas Vuich,  cook Mott Market Restaurant, r. 306 Boyd.
Using N Vuich listing, but did he go from co-prop to cook at same location or is this a relative. At the moment not seeing any other N Vuich listings

Person (ID: 96):
1887 Los Angeles City Directory. p105 for John Bielopero,  Nat. Vurch & Nicholas Leisich. I took this to be N Vuich

Address (ID: 139):
Viuch sic, Lessovich & Bielopereo (N Viuch, N Lessovich and J Bielopero) restaurant, Mott Market, S Main
Vuich sic & Siglie, Rockaway Oyster and and Chop House, 327 N Main
Restaurants Bielspero & Lessevich. 1894 Sanborn, 1900 Directory, and 1921 Baist show 129-133 S Main St as Mott Market

Updated over 3 years ago. Created about 4 years ago.

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