305 E 47th Place, Los Angeles

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Address: 305 E 47th Place, Los Angeles CA
Is a post-1890 address.

Longitude, Latitude: -118.271135, 34.000259

Coords: Unlocked

How geocoded:

Extant: Gone

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Who worked or lived here:

  1. 1916 Dec 28: Vincent T (Vicko Tade) Scarich (Skarich). (Vicko Tade Skarich). Resident at 305 E 47th Place. Show Edit
  2. 1917 Jan 1: John B (Ivan Zankuli) Scarich. (John Scarich). Householder at 305 E 47th Place. Show Edit
  3. 1917 Jan 1: Vincent T (Vicko Tade) Scarich (Skarich). (Vincent Scarich). Householder at 305 E 47th Place. Show Edit
  4. 1918 Jan 1: John B (Ivan Zankuli) Scarich. (John Scarich ). Householder at 305 E 47th Place. Show Edit
  5. 1918 Jan 1: Vincent T (Vicko Tade) Scarich (Skarich). (Vincent Scarich). Householder at 305 E 47th Place. Show Edit

Location ID: 236 updated about 5 years ago and created about 5 years ago.

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