329 Jackson St, Los Angeles

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Address: 329 Jackson St, Los Angeles CA
Is a post-1890 address.

Longitude, Latitude: -118.23888, 34.051267

Coords: Locked

How geocoded: 1894 Sanborn 17a

Extant: Gone

Current description: In a plaza near Go For Broke Monument and near The Geffen Contemporary


1901 City Directory. "Mrs. Mary Marietich, h 329 Jackson" No other Marietichs at the address. A "Mary Marietich" traveled abroad with Jack and Rosa in 1877 at age 14; but how "Mrs." 
In 1901 Andrew Milovich, mach was a resident (bds). 
Found nothing else for Mary.

Who worked or lived here:

  1. 1892 Aug 5: Andrew (né '63) Marietich. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  2. 1892 Sep 1: John Restovich. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  3. 1892 Sep 1: Nicholas Restovich. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  4. 1892 Sep 1: John Illich. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  5. 1893 Jan 1: Andrew (né '63) Marietich. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  6. 1893 Sep 1: Nicholas Restovich. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  7. 1894 Jan 1: Evin Restovich. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  8. 1894 Jan 1: Antonio Aviani. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  9. 1894 Jan 1: Andrew (né '63) Marietich. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  10. 1894 Jan 1: Antonio Telemeto. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  11. 1894 Jan 1: George W Restovich. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  12. 1894 Jan 1: John Restovich. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  13. 1894 Mar 17: Vincent (Vicko Juraj) Scarich (Skarich). (Vincent Scarich). Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  14. 1895 Jan 1: Andrew (né '63) Marietich. (Andrew Marietich). Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  15. 1895 Jan 1: Antonio Telemeto. Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  16. 1895 Jan 1: Peter Poklepovich (Poklevich). (Peter Poklevich). Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  17. 1895 Jan 1: Vincent (Vicko Juraj) Scarich (Skarich). Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  18. 1896 May 1: Vincent (Vicko Juraj) Scarich (Skarich). (Vincent Scarich). Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  19. 1896 May 1: Peter Poklepovich (Poklevich). (Peter Poklepovich). Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  20. 1897 May 1: Vincent (Vicko Juraj) Scarich (Skarich). Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  21. 1897 May 1: Nicholas Tadia Skarich (Scarich). Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit
  22. 1899 Jun 10: Andrew (né '63) Marietich. (Andrew Marietich). Resident at 329 Jackson St. Show Edit

Location ID: 75 updated over 3 years ago and created over 9 years ago.

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Supporting Document(s): (ID: 478)

Frank Scarneo, proprietor Frank's Chop House, 219½ Commercial.
John Scarich, waiter, Jack's Restaurant, r. 611 S. Grand av.
Vincent  Scarich, waiter, Jack's Restaurant, r.  Jackson, bet. Wilmington and N. Alameda suggests interviewed at work otherwise wouldn't there have been an address?

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