Andrew (né '63) Marietich Age: 30  's Residence

Date: 1894 Jan 1

Name on Reference Document: is a Resident at

329 Jackson St, Los Angeles (Residence)


Andrew Marietich, waiter Old Queen Chop House, r. 329 Jackson 

Connection (deprecated, transfer to above) Two Andrews: One a restaurant keeper and the other a waiter at Old Queen Chop House. One lived at 147 N Vine, the other at 329 Jackson

Person (ID: 136):
Testing, add your own content

Person (deprecated):

Address (ID: 75):
1901 City Directory. "Mrs. Mary Marietich, h 329 Jackson" No other Marietichs at the address. A "Mary Marietich" traveled abroad with Jack and Rosa in 1877 at age 14; but how "Mrs." 
In 1901 Andrew Milovich, mach was a resident (bds). 
Found nothing else for Mary.

Updated about 4 years ago. Created almost 9 years ago.

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