John B (Ivan Zankuli) Scarich Age: 20  Working at a Restaurant

Date: 1906 Jan 1

Name on Reference Document: John Skarich is a Waiter at

114 N Main St, Los Angeles which is a restaurant named "Skaric Bros".


John Skarich, waiter Skarich Bros, res 412 Vignes

Person (ID: 132):
Brother of Vincent T Scarich (Vicko Tade Skarich)
DoE is confirmed by 1920 Census
1914.01.27 Married Catherine Guich (née Austria), 18 yrs. old. Witness Larp Lusich. Priest Joseph Judnic, 714 Alpine St

Address (ID: 172):
Main street, 114 North—U. [sic N. T.] T. Skarich. owner and builder; alterations to store; $500. Los Angeles Herald, Volume XXXIII, Number 174, 24 March 1911.
1909 Grand Pacific Restaurant
1894 Sanborn had note for this address "Being Built" 1909

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Rich Rancher of Saugus Dies at Lunch Counter

Updated over 3 years ago. Created almost 5 years ago.

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