Vincent T (Vicko Tade) Scarich (Skarich) Age: 24  's Residence

Date: 1906 Jan 1

Name on Reference Document: Vincent I Skarich is a Resident at

545 Jackson St, Los Angeles (Residence)


Skarich Vincent I, cook Skarich Bros, res 545 Jackson (Is this a typo for Vincent T?)
From 1906 Los Angeles City Directory. p1581. Click for complete doc.

No snippet drawn since no the snippet from the document has not been drawn.

Person (ID: 127):
MyHeritage shows as Greg's second cousin twice removed
Brother of John per 1920 Census
5' 7", 195 lbs., Left eye lost
Usually Vincent T, but naturalization is Vicko Tade
1922.11.17 Francoo (Francis? sic) Skarich birth (certificate) to Vincent Skarich né~1881 and Marie Urcich. 229 N Record.
Married with a 5 (Anthony) and 7 (Frances) yr old in 1930 Census.
DoD from May 23, 1934 LA Times. Age 53
By 1935 per 1940 Census, Mary and the kids are married to their former neighbor Anthony Mercantonia sp.

Address (ID: 104):

Updated over 3 years ago. Created almost 5 years ago.

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