Nicholas Tadia Skarich (Scarich) Age: 36  's Residence

Date: 1906 Jan 1

Name on Reference Document: Nicolas T Skarich is a Resident at

1518 Kearney St, Los Angeles (Residence)


" Nicolas T (Skarich Bros), h 1518 Kearney two h and definition can be house or householder, but no likely two householders
" Vincent G (Skarich Bros), h 1518 Kearney

Person (ID: 105):
Los Angeles Herald, Number 147, 25 February 1911. MARRIAGE LICENSES. SKARICH-HRANUELLI-Nicholas T. Skarich, age 41, and Frances Hranuelli, age 21; natives of Austria and residents of Los Angeles.

Address (ID: 46):

Updated over 3 years ago. Created almost 5 years ago.

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